“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday, January 22, 2010

DAY 10: An American in Paris

Papa Spyke drove me to the airport 2.5 hours early. I kissed the ground when I got out of the car- after witnessing a cigarette in one hand, phone in the other, IPOD in the lap and knee (kind of) on the wheel, I didn't think I'd get to see Paris after all! Happy to be out of a "bachelor pad" as well... use your imagination... ick.

I had a nice little lunch in the airport before my 45 minute flight to the City of Light. Still don't have a place to stay... people keep flaking out on me! I may just have to cough it up and do Paris the right way... the right way is not having to haul Luigi and Roo around everywhere.

Paris Metro is a breeze... with the help of a woman that sat across from me. She popped a squat next to Luigi and asked if I knew where I was going.... "Of course, can't you tell?" I actually had a good idea, but she used to live on the street I was headed to, so she gave me some "extra special" advice. She had bright red hair and looked like a gypsy- she is a proffessor and a total sweet tart.

Off the Metro and on the hostel hunt (yep, had to give in... grrrr). As I turned the corner, what do I see? "Connolly's Corner." I like Paris already. Of course its an Irish pub across from my hostel.... maybe its a sign that I was supposed to stay here.... NOPE. A horse barn is cleaner than this hole. I get 5 roomies this time, with no bathroom (toilets upstairs) and bunkbeds. Guess which one I got? Top. Only one night, only one night, only one night... I put Roo in a cage and Luigi on my bed (since they have NO security lockers) and head to the place that "everybody knows your name."

Ian and Neal Connolly were from Ennis, Ireland until their dad moved them to Paris when they were kids. Their dad has a Connolly's in Marseille as well, so I told them I'd pay him a visit when I get down there. I slugged a Guiness and went exploring...

Lovely neighborhoods, lights and fountains on every corner. People sitting outside cafes at 10pm. I found a happening Cave Les Bourgenoune and grabbed a bar stool. Julian the bartender was very cute and very attentive. I told him I want wine, salad and cheese. He brought me a glass, a GIGANTIC 4 cheese board (leftovers will feed me for 2 more days- literally a quarter wedge of a Camembert wheel) and a chalk board with all the salads listed. "Surprise me, I have no idea what any of that says." Out came duck gizzard over greens with tomatoes and balsamic and it may have been one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth. He bought me wine and chatted me up for a few hours... thought I was crazy for travelling alone for 5 months. What is it with people... AM I crazy? Well I know I'm crazy, but why is this trip so far fetched? Anyways, I may go back to visit, we'll see what my accomodations are tomorrow night.

I zig-zagged back to the hell-hole, I mean hostel and took in the vibrancy every block exuded... Italian men selling crepes and catcalling to women. Students lined up outside of a vibrating bar, smoking cigarettes. Couples enojoying wine together in candle lit cafes... great vibe. I think I'm in love. Back in the room, the foreigners were passed out, so by the light of my Nokia, I threw Luigi and Roo on the top bunk and crawled up, with all my clothes on, boots, jacket and all and passed out. Only to wake up an hour later and stare at the paint peeling on the ceiling while my Romanian roomie ground her teeth. You know those places that you feel cleaner without taking a shower, because its THAT dirty. I need to figure something else out before I get bed bugs....

More later!

1 comment:

  1. Forget sleep, Art out. Make sure to go and see the the D'Orsay (duh), the Rodin, and the Musee Marmottan Monet (Monet museum near the bois de Boulangne)address:
    2 Rue Louis Boilly
    75016 Paris, France
    01 44 96 50 33
    The Louvre is fabu but those are inspirational. Wish I was there.
    Eat a fresh croissant every flippen day without fail. That is my advice. Best bread in Paris is here: Poilane
    8 rue du Cherche Midi (6th)
    49 Blvd. de Grenelle
    Don' mess around - just go get yourself the damn bread and eat it right there on the spot.


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