“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday, April 11, 2010

DAY 75, 76, 77: Sausage Smuggler

This is the weekend of March 27th & 28th and Monday the 29th... playing catch-up from a vacation from my extended vacation. Fair? No. Fabulous? Hell yeah...

75: Saturday was a sunny day that started with the usual cup-a-joe, corn flakes and yogurt... don't think I will ever get sick of yogi, but stale corn flakes are starting to rain on my breakfast parade- this coming from the girl who didn't start eating "the most important meal of the day" until she was 23... no joke, ask my mother. I'd mix it up by adding milk, but the fact that it is A. whole milk, B. it's warm, which really makes me want to vom... nothing is better on cereal than refrigerated soy milk. The lives of dairy products in Europe is slightly disconcerting... cheese sits in old, musty barns for years, ultra-pasteurized milk sits on shelves at the corner grocery, at room temperature for weeks... I'm surprised I haven't grown a green tail yet.

Most everyone stuck around the villa this weekend and a few of us hitched a ride into Ellora to loiter through the Saturday market- Read: avoid pickpockets while dodging yippy Chiwawa mixes and strollers. It had a Mexi-ghetto flavor with aisles upon aisles of cheap clothes made of even cheaper fabrics, salted pork stands, troughs full of kitchen utensils and may favorite, vans with fold-out tables covered in underwear. It really was quite handy- not only can you splurge on knock-off Armani whitie-tighties, but you can have a wienerschnietzel and eat it too… no pun intended there. The only extenuating quality was the vast fruit and flower stands which helped cover the smell of rayon, artificial alligator skin and anchovies, all baking in the sun providing a smorgasbord for pesky flies.

I rode the mini metro into Perugia to snag a Capri sando and peruse the flea market that filled a central park area… old art books, antique jewels and vintage sunnies (sunglasses) amidst Eastern European furniture. I kicked myself for not bringing my camera- potential portraits of booth owners half asleep with cigarettes helplessly holding on for dear life between orange sherbet lips… and the cat eye spectacles with missing lenses to give those clumpy lashes room to bat give “Helga” a splash of character, as if she needs it. “Giovani” across the way pretends to read an autobiography on Picasso, even though its in French and upside down… really he looks beyond the nose of his tobacco pipe, through the smoke haze that saturates into his curly silver locks across the way to beautiful “Helga,” whom I imagine he’s had eyes for for years… spring-time twitterpation is in full bloom. After observing the cycles of flirtation and snooze sessions, in between sales of course, I collected some groceries at a DeSpar and caught the G1 bus back to Ellora where I ran into “Conga’.” We boarded the X bus, and when I say bus, I’m being generous as it is usually a large van. Back at the villa I worked on some wedding invitations I’m designing for a friend and snacked on rice cakes… really exciting day…

76: Sunday was a lazy day that began with granola and coffee… I worked on a few design projects and decided that I had to go blow the stink off, so I walked up to Migiana to take pictures of roof tiles (assignment) among other wonderments that surround me in this beautiful little valley… we had a group dinner that involved French fries and pasta- none of which I participated in… the day, which is day light savings, ended with me writing and drawing… Imagine how boring this would be if I dedicated an entire blog just to this day… no one would read it!

77: Monday means class again, after yogi, granola and a banana of course. This morning was a Photoshop tutorial and editing… lunch was salad and carbanara pasta which, you guessed it! I didn’t eat… the afternoon was a free day to take pictures, draw or continue editing… I dabbled in all of the above and rewarded myself with a snooze before I wrangled a 5-mile run. This is the last week before Spring Break, which makes me laugh that I have a “Spring Break”… I might as well enjoy it while I can! Those of you reading this at your desk are nodding “yes.” More from Italia later, ciao!

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