“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday, March 6, 2010

DAY 52: 'Til the wee hours of the morn

For our last day in Rome, we were to take bus to the Catacombs- mazes of underground tunnels that were used to bury thousands of bodies (burials were forbidden inside the walls of Rome). BUT, because it was raining, and a lot of walking was involved, "The Harv" gave us some options: Catacombs, Avant Garde exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art, or a special Edward Hopper exhibit (my recommendation). A few took a bus out to the Catacombs, everyone else followed "The Harv" to the Avant Garde while "Conga'" (prof. #2)  and I chose the Edward Hopper (perfect since I wasn't in the mood for "group" activities). They set up an exhibit hall right on Via del Corso (shopping street, 10 minute walk from hotel) for Mr. Hopper's famous works containing sketches, etchings and paintings... I've become numb to religious interpretation paintings, so it was a breath of fresh air to walk in and look at America, through the left hand of a 6'5" American. Hopper is best known for capturing intimate moments in people's lives, whether it is someone sitting in a window, or someone crossing the street at night- he brings stark, lonely moments to life. I really enjoyed his sketchbook- he used an accounting notebook, very organized and filled with beautiful drawings. His etchings were breath taking (yes, after I inhaled some fresh, American air, it was quickly taken away)... from a distance, they looked like black and white photographs. I have taken several printmaking classes and know the skill it takes... made me appreciate his even more. The gallery was set up chronologically with his life... he lived in an apartment in New York for over 50 years, and after marrying his wife Jo, she remained his only model, with much of his work sweetly dedicated to her. During his younger years, he traveled and lived in Paris and Italy... it was fun to see/recognize his landscapes (Seine, Arno, Tiber rivers).
Wonderful quote: "If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint." Such a romantic and talented individual... when he died at the age of 84 in 1967, his sweetheart donated much of his work to the Whitney Museum of Modern Art in NYC. It is very rare to experience exhibitions of an artists work, together in one location. I am so lucky to have seen this show, along with Caravaggio's days earlier.

After a few humbling hours with Hopper, "Conga'" and I walked to a little resto for lunch. I drank a cappuccino and ate a salami sando I'd packed, while Jeff tried the famous potato pizza we've been seeing everywhere (thinly sliced potatoes with rosemary and mozzarella). We had a great conversation about the impact traveling has on a person and how it molds one's character and outlook upon return. There was a Grace Kelly exhibit I really wanted to see, so we sat on the Spanish steps while we waited for it to open... I got a little camera 101 while we took pictures of rose venders, tourists and high school kids playing hooky. Once in front of Grace Kelly's pretty face, we realized that the exhibit ended last weekend- Rats! I was on a hunt for running shoes, so Jeff joined me in the wonderful world of Adidas... SCORE! I  am the happiest girl on Earth, with comfortable tootsies! We parted ways and I walked around more (I heart alone time)...

In celebration of Becca's birthday and our last night in Rome, "The Harv" made us reservations at a resto... that he couldn't find after we all walked around for 30 minutes, so he picked a random place and all 17 of us shlepped inside. *WARNING* This is where the night turns into an absolute dog and pony show...
7:41pm: Dinner is great... I order a salad and seafood linguini and slip away to order a dessert for the birthday girl. "Marcello the Grouch" brings me INTO  the kitchen, to pick out a cake... "One piece of chocolate cake please!" He agrees, confirming I wanted "just one" piece....
9:28pm: "Marcello" slyly brings the cake out... "Happy Birthday" ensues, along with 16 more pieces of cake. Whit is pissed but rides it out since it's Becca's big day.
9:46pm: Bill arrives. 17 pieces of cake at 4.50 Euros a pop= a 77 Euro cake (107 USD). Whit is irate. Whit removes herself hastily from the table, huddles "Marcello," "Marcello's" interpreter/busboy and "Old Man Diner" the owner together. After an upheaval of papers, throwing of pencils, spitting and several profane arm gestures later, "Old Man Diner" knocked off 10 Euros, ONLY because he was sick of looking up at me.
9:58: Devin goes to the bathroom, bumps a table to get by a waiter, knocks over an entire bottle of wine, turns to grab it, knocks two glasses over, breaking one that fell to its death on the tile floor.
9:59pm: "Marcello" enters room. "Marcello" turns bright red, temple veins strained, teeth on the grind.
9:59:32pm: "Conga'" jumps up, offers to pay for the bottle, smoothes things over, etc. etc.
10:01: Embarrassed members of the group disperse like field mice back to the hotel.
10:17pm: Pre-gaming commences.
10:23pm: Whit straightens Kate's head of brunette ringlets.
11:44pm: People start making their way to MOOD (dance club).
12:04am: Whit enters MOOD. Whit realizes there is an open bar. Whit finds majority of the group at bar.
12:41am: 4 minutes left of open bar. Wolfpack moves in.
12:42am: 3 minutes left of open bar. Wolfpack consumes copious amounts of choice bevies.
12:43am: 2 minutes left of open bar. Wolfpack decides to see how much they can drink in 2 minutes.
12:44am: 1 minute left of open bar. Whit realizes she is having deja vu, and decides to pass on binge drinking. Whit watches a full moon rise over the wolfpack... debauchery begins.
1:17am: Devin gets jumped by 2 Spanish guys. Devin has a swollen face. Becca Jessie and Whit take care of Devin and decide to gather the rest of the wolf pack.
1:20am: Whit and Jessie realize none of the wolfpack is left in the club. Whit and Jessie are really happy about this.
1:21am: Whit walks up stairs to see if anyone is outside. The bouncer informs Whit that we cannot leave, because the Spaniards are waiting outside for us and will follow us home. Whit is stoked.
1:47am: Whit goes back upstairs after sitting, icing Devin's mug to ask the bouncer if we can leave yet. He informs Whit that they have a taxi coming to pick us up. Whit sees the Spaniards in a 10 man brawl in the street. Whit is really looking forward to the next 10 minutes.
2:03am: Bouncer, club owner and security guards create a human barricade for us to pile into the taxi and speed away. Whit is sympathetic for Cameron Diaz and understands why she decked a paparazzi.
2:16am: Arrive back at hotel to realize 3 people are still missing. Whit's motherly instinct kicks in immediately. Whit and Jessie put on tennis shoes and go back out to search for the missing.
3:30am- Whit and Jessie return, out of luck to the hotel, to find 2 of the 3 missing persons. Whit swallows a lump the size of an Easter egg. Whit and Jessie go back out to search for the missing.
4:42am: Whit and Jessie scour the city of Rome. Whit and Jessie walk EVERYWHERE. Whit and Jessie return to the club 3 times throughout the night, search every open bar and resort to yelling as if in a forest. Whit and Jessie are discouraged, worried and exhausted.
5:09am: Whit and Jessie return. Still no missing person.
5:30am: Whit is unable to give anymore details, for safety, embarrassment and other respect issues. Needless to say the missing person returned safely, only to be pummeled to death by yours truly. Just kidding. I'm grateful everyone got home safe and sound.
5:39am: Whit finally goes to bed. Whit promises that if I publish this blog someday, I will include all (most) of the details of what this ridiculous night entailed. If you thought that was good, just wait.

When in (M-Fing) Rome! What a day/night/morning... off to the villa in Perugia tomorrow, where I will get some much needed R&R. CIAO.

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