“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

DAY 68, 69, 70: RECOVERY

I combined Saturday, Sunday and Monday because 67% of these days involved watching the back of my eyelids and allowing my body to forgive me, and unless you want to hear about the wild dreams I had, it ain't interesting...

SATURDAY: Slept in until 10 a.m. Walked up to Corciano to get some fresh air and groceries for the weekend since we don't get meals on Sat/Sun... apples, turkey, swiss and rice crackers is as gourmet as it gets.  An hour later I entered the quiet villa (most of the group went away for the weekend) and decided to take advantage of the rare silence, so I took a nap. 4 hours later I woke up, wrote, made turkey and swiss pizzas on rice crackers and researched "Spring Break" destinations. I fell asleep at 10 p.m.

SUNDAY: Slept in until 10 a.m. again (I cannot sleep past 7:30... obviously I had some catching up to do). I  spiced up stale corn flakes with a banana for breaky... *SIDE NOTE* The milk here is not refrigerated... they keep it on pantry shelves and let it sit out, even after it's been opened! And it's always whole... I don't think they've even heard of soy milk... gross.  I spent the majority of the day researching, writing, photo editing and catching up on some school work. I needed to get outside, so I hiked up to Corciano again and took some pictures... tried to take a short cut down a hill on the back side of town which got me stuck in a briar patch. Possible the most interesting thing that happened to me all weekend. After hours of looking up flights and ferries to Eastern and Western Europe and North Africa, I improved my geographic knowledge tremendously and finally settled on Ibiza, Spain. I was hesitant as it is the BIGGEST party island in the world, and although I am technically in college, I've had more than my fair share of liver and dignity destroying during March Madness. But, because it is still the off-season, the island will be fairly quiet and hopefully Becca, Jessie, Katie, Kate, Jesine and I will be the ONLY thing going on... I want sun, sand and solitude- that's it. Plus it was cheap, and I'm all about euro-bargains. I fell asleep at 9 p.m... it's fascinating what rest does for those pesky under-eye circles...

MONDAY: Back to class! Edited photos from 9-1, had salad and more pasta for lunch... I am starting to not feel as bad about sending back nearly full bowls of pasta when they clear the table. Back to the drawing board at 2... backed my entire computer up.  Went on a run after class, before "The Harv's" lecture... got to take a freezing cold shower because the hot water heater is broken... its baffling what I've become tolerant of... that or I've just become a total hippy. I have no idea what we had for dinner, but I'll guarantee it involved starch!

It was a very chill weekend- MUCH needed after the roller coaster ride I've been on the last few months... appreciating somewhat of a routine and being in a "home" environment for more than a week is fabulous... looking forward to a relaxing week with no place to be or go for awhile... the next few weeks will take place here at the villa, with a few day and weekend trips scattered in between. I'll be corralling days together for the sake of utter boredom... spring is in the air, days are getting warmer and grass is greener! More from Corciano tomorrow! Ciao...

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