“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. 
Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Breakfast options include corn flakes, plain yogurt, toast in a plastic wrapper, croissants in a plastic wrapper, Nutella, biscotti and occasionally scrambled eggs... Everyday. (I'm not complaining, I'm just allowing you to experience this with me... so you can base your glee for breakfast choices based on your own personal preferences...) Coffee and cornflakes mixed with yogurt sufficed... different strokes for different folks. Took another run today up to Migiani, a little different route that involved hurdling, failing miserably and slipping on my landing over a gargantuan mud puddle- new white running kicks are no longer white. Good times were had by all.

"Ahhhh, si si!" I reckon a revelation is responsible for the naming of the town "Assisi." Another hilltop town 12 miles east of Perugia, birthplace of St. Francis (patron saint of Italy) and home to 3,000 peeps is where we spent our day. We boarded a short bus and Rosella, cordially gave us a history lesson on the drive, but did so at an octave that a deaf person could hear. She was YELLING into a microphone that transfered from the blaring speakers above our seats to our bleeding ears. I couldn't hear what she was saying, as I was practicing self-restraint and trying to find my happy place... no one but "Bill da' Bus Driver" had the heart to tell her to "STOP YELLING!" We stopped in a small town on the way, to see a church... on a Sunday... in the middle of mass. I refuse to enter churches as a tourist on, Sundays especially, during other people's time for thoughts and prayers- regardless of the religion. As I was standing outside the church in a small square, I looked around and realized that all of the people standing around me were men. "The Harv" agreed that disrupting church is disrespectful and joined me outside to explain that families walk to church together, but only the women and children go in while the men huddle, with leashed pooches, drinking cappuccinos, undoubtedly discussing current events... Riiiight. I decided the "Good Ol' Boys Club" light each others cigarettes, replay the weekend's big soccer match and comment on how tall the blond American is that just walked by... I joined Professors #1 & #2 for a cappuccino on a bench outside, to sit and contemplate the meaning of life.

After the rest of the group joined our leisure, we piled back on the bus to chug up the hill... first stop: Basilica of St. Francis. Although the artist is unknown, art historians are convinced that the 13th century frescos are by Giotti (remember when I was in Padua, and we only got 15 minutes in the Scrovegni Chapel? "The greatest painter to ever live"- according to "The Harv," is believed to have painted Frank's Basilica too!)... I was not nearly as impressed, but I want a divorce from Jesus and will pay for Mary to visit a tailor- meaning I NEED A BREAK from those two! One more dove beaming down from a spaceship cloud to Mar-Mar's unfortunate pear-shaped figure and I will get out my 22. We were released for "recess" after instructions for a photo assignment were explained, so Kate, Jesine and I found a cafe with a buffet... I loaded up on grilled veggies- green beans (my fav!), brussels sprouts, zucchini, cauliflower, eggplant and carrots, and some delicious grilled fish. I heart vegetables more than I heart Seinfeld. After some vitamin D and Omega 3, we walked to a castle on top of the city that lent extraordinary views and torrential winds... a checker board carpet of grass and soil laid below us, littered with dancing cyprus Pawns, castle Kings and chapel Arch Bishops... Mother Natures version of chess. The weather started to change for the worse, dropping in temperature which dropped my enthusiasm for the outdoors. Unless I am on my skis, in powder, on a mountain, I see no reason to tolerate cold weather... but that's just me. We rolled down the hill towards the bus, snapping photos and partaking in a quickie Tai-Chi session led by Conga'... even "Harvetron" performed waking bear. The villa was nice and warm with bowls of piping tortellini and broth waiting for us. Nights now consist of writing and drawing... much preferred after 2 months of non-stop action. Day trip to Perugia tomorrow! CHOW!

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